[driverloader] Airport Extreme & Red Hat 9

Mat Ellis mat.ellis at mac.com
Thu Jan 8 08:39:24 EST 2004

Thanks, I'll try this too. I knew there would be a better way.


On Jan 8, 2004, at 1:03 AM, Linuxant support wrote:

> Hi,
> instead of modifying the script and hard coding the setting to 
> "restricted",
> try putting the following in your interface configuration file
> (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-...).
> KEY="ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234 restricted"
> The quotes are important and of course you need to enter the right key 
> in
> HEX format. You can put a key in ASCII format if you prepend "s:" to 
> it.
> Regards,
> Jean-Simon Durand
> Technical specialist / Linuxant
> www.linuxant.com
> support at linuxant.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mat Ellis" <mat.ellis at mac.com>
> To: <driverloader at lists.linuxant.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 6:24 PM
> Subject: [driverloader] Airport Extreme & Red Hat 9
> I successfully got the Microsoft MN-730 card (based on Broadcom 54g
> chipset) to work with my Apple Extreme base station under RedHat 9
> (2.4.20-28.9), except when I introduced WEP. I tried all kinds of
> combinations, and spent a lot of time with iwconfig with no luck.
> Then I saw another post (see
> http://www.linuxant.com/pipermail/driverloader/2004q1/000563.html)
> about Suse & Airport Extreme which talked about the 'restricted' mode.
> The FAQs suggest you add ' open' or ' restricted' after your WEP key.
> However, with my version of RedHat 9, this gave an error when you
> activated the interface. I tried to add this manually using iwconfig,
> and it seemed to remember the change, but somehow this didn't have the
> correct impact.
> Instead, I had to hack the script
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ipup-wireless to include this manually.
> Look for the line which reads:
> iwconfig $DEVICE key $KEY
> and amend to
> iwconfig $DEVICE key $KEY restricted
> This worked for me. Phew, that's half a day lost.
> Perhaps the Linuxant folks can do something to deal with this, or at
> least add it to the FAQs?
> Thanks to Sebastien Stormacq for knocking me out of my bang head
> against wall infinite loop.
> Cheers
> M.

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