[driverloader] Linksys WPC11 v4

Łukasz Maśko masko at ipipan.waw.pl
Wed Feb 18 17:58:57 EST 2004

Dnia środa 18 luty 2004 16:08, Jeroen van der Waal napisał:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if you're still want an answer for your question, but my
> Linksys V4 card works with the current driverloader and Realtek windows
> xp driver.
I know, it works. I've already bought a licence for driverloader for it. 
But... I'm not 100% satisfied. I've noticed some troubles when transfering 
data though slower networks. It was like this:

my laptop        Linksys Wireless       Cabel TV     128kbps
with LinkSys <-> AP/router (I don't <-> Internet <-> network <-> Internet
WPC11 v.4        remember its name)     Modem        connect.

When transferring data _TO_ the internet, after some time the transfer 
stalls. I've noticed (usin iptraf), that until the transfer stops, the data 
are sent with full available speed, but there are very, very few packets 
sent back (confirmations?). So, after some time, let's say about 1MB of 
sent data (but this value is random), transfer stops, but the TCP 
connection is _NOT_ closed. I can start data transfer again. But the 
prevoius one is not continued.

I've also tried transfers in local network (there was a computer connected 
to WiFi router via 100Mbps cabel network). In this situation I've managed 
to transfer over 200MB of data (uninterrupted transfer).

If possible, I'll borrow a router from my friend and make some more tests.
Łukasz Maśko                                    ICQ:              146553537
Lukasz.Masko at ipipan.waw.pl                       GG:                2441498
Registered Linux user #61028                    JID: paranoid at jabber.gda.pl

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