[driverloader] how to test the driverloader?

Matthias Warmbold Matthias.Warmbold at gmx.de
Fri Mar 12 16:42:42 EST 2004

I've installed me a test version of your driverloader on my Debian:
uname -a
Linux warmbold.edvchl.de 2.4.25-1-686 #1 Tue Feb 24 10:55:59 EST 2004 i686 

I've installed the driverloader_1.64_i386.deb.
First I was surprised, because all seems to work fine (no errors while the 
But after I did the following iwconfig command:

iwconfig eth1 essid home channel 6 freq 2437M key 12:34:56:78:90 power period 

with the following result:

eth1      IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:"home"  Nickname:"unknown"
          Mode:Managed  Channel:0  Bit Rate=11Mb/s
          RTS thr=1600 B   Fragment thr=0 B
          Encryption key:12345678...   Security mode:open
          Power Management period:0us  mode:Unicast only received
          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

I've then setup my eth0 device with ifconfig set a route...

But it seems, that my wlan card didn't send any signal?
Because of the fact, that kismet didn't receive any signal on my PC underlined 
my opinion.

Have you any Idea what I can do, to get the card running?

dldconfig --info
Linuxant DriverLoader for Wireless LAN devices, version 1.64

Web configurator: listening on

Current parameters: ("dldrconfig --info")

Wireless interface name: eth1
        MAC address    : 00:0C:F1:05:F2:8A
        Device instance: PCI-0000:01:0d.0-8086:1043-8086:2527
        Device driver  : w70n51
        Description    : Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 7100 LAN Card Driver
        Adapter model  : PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter
        License owner  : matthias.warmbold at gmx.de
        License key    : B3-F0-FA-BA-6A-8E
        License status : OK (Expires 2004-04-08)

My Windows drivers are:

W70n51.INF  w70n51.sys

Thank you for your answer.


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