[driverloader] Re: [LinuxR3000] Broadcom 54g + FC3 + 1.5 G =

eherget at bellsouth.net eherget at bellsouth.net
Thu Mar 24 12:34:21 EST 2005


> >In any case, there are other indications that the problem may not be in the driver.  Under earlier versions of the linux kernel (2.6.8-24.11 - from updated SuSE 9.1), my system would lockup completely instead of just hogging the CPU.  I had to hard cycle the laptop to recover.  
> >
> This happens to me when using ndiswrapper with FC3's 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 
> kernel versions.  I had to push the adapter's power button (to power off 
> the adapter) to rescue the system.

Under 2.6.8-24.11 and earlier kernel versions, I could not recover by hitting the adapter's power button.  I had to hold in the laptop power button for several seconds to do a hard power-off.  Everything else, including the adapter's power button was non-responsive.  I checked by hitting the wireless adapter button once, which should turn the adapter off for the next boot if it responded, and then hard power cycled the laptop.  The laptop came back up with the adapter 'on', not 'off'.  So I had to hit the adapter button as the system was booting to get it to come up successfully.

Only with (in my case) 2.6.10 and later kernel versions could I recover by hitting the wireless adapter button.


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