[driverloader] 64-bit mode

Linuxant support (Jonathan) support at linuxant.com
Thu Dec 8 11:15:55 EST 2005


yes, the previous releases were mostly bug fixes and adding support for 
new kernels and distributions. I can't tell much about the future of 
DriverLoader except that we will take a important look at WPA2 support 
in the near future so it is quite possible that DriverLoader will have 
WPA2 support in the future.

I believe it could be possible to load 32-bit Windows XP on a 64-bit 
Linux kernel with DriverLoader. However, it is likely to be difficult to 
add this feature. I don't know the exact details, all I know is that 
it's not like user land programs where you can load a 32-bit x86 program 
without having to modify it on a x86_64 kernel. Once 64-bit versions of 
Windows will be more used, hardware vendors will start to provide 64-bit 
Windows drivers as well and we will support these with DriverLoader x86_64.


Technical specialist / Linuxant
support at linuxant.com

Maxim wrote:
> I see, that new releases are almost bugfixes. Have you got any big new
> features in plan? If not, please implement loading of 32-bit drivers
> in 64-bit mode. Don't say that it is impossible. Linux kernel in
> 64-bit mode could run 32-bit applications via special thunks. Could
> you implement such thing? I will be glad to test it on sis162 or Atmel
> at40c50x.
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