[hcflinux] Is dialtone data correct as each country's one?

u1079044 u1079044 at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 30 19:59:14 EDT 2002

I downloaded the modem driver
Then I installed it with "hcfconfig" command.
This command set it up properly.

    # uname -a
    Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 17:27:27 EDT 2001 i686

    # hcfconfig --info
    Country name: "JAPAN", T.35 code: 0000
    PCI Modem vendor-id: 14F1, device-id: 1033
    PCI Modem subvendor-id: 144F, subdevice-id: 1500
    Driver inf filename: /etc/hcf/inf/genHCF.inf

Nevertheless my modem could not detect dialtone.
So I disabled dialtone detection with the "atx3" command.
With this, I got enabled to dial.
But I could not get connection yet.
The modem could generate dialtone but no phone call.

I denyed that the dialtone is proper as Japanese one.
So I set locale other one such as USA tentatively.
Then the above problems, "NO DIALTINE" and no phone call, got evaded.

Is each locale data correct?

  Hisashi Tagawa
    u1079044 at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
    6937 EFAB 1A9D 8692 1976  1F06 8DD9 E028 430D 3C77

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