[hsflinux] sony vaio pcg-gr370

Robby L. digitalcreationz at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 5 23:43:24 EST 2002

Command? Ok, this is what I have done so far..
Command? I'm running mandrake 9 with the 2.4.19-16 mdk kernel.Machi...
Command? laptop is the pcg-gr370 series. I have the Conexant Soft K...
Command? what I've done so far.
>>>>>Too many errors encountered; the rest of the message is ignored:
>1. gave it a fresh reload.. full reinstall.
>2.downloaded the driver from http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv. for the 
>Mandrake edition.
>3. I ran the rpm
>4. ran hsfconfig
>5. I filled out everything and it finished without errors. telling me that 
>the modem should be accessible @ /dev/ttyshsfo.
>6. The modem isn't there, nor has the folder been made.
>7. according to the mbsi link's faq If this were to happen run modprobe 
>hsfserial and then check the /var/log/messages for any kernel errors.
>8. from checking the archives I noticed the error pci: No irq known for 
>interupt pin A of device 00:lf.1 please try using pci=biosirq ( fair to 
>note that this is on Pin B as well and further down the log PIN C )
>So I went and added this to the lilo conf.
>9. ran lilo.
>10 rebooted.
>11.came back and reran hsfconfig. and I'm still where I started. Anyone 
>have any ideas? I still have no modem, or, ttysfsho folders. and I can't 
>see any errors in the messages. I dunno..
>Thanks in advance.

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