[hsflinux] RedHat 8.0

Kevin C.Zee psycho at myvine.com
Fri Dec 27 23:31:37 EST 2002

Note that I am new to linux but I had that problem too. My problem was a line I put in to connect.conf (if memory serves). The gateway I was using was routing everything through the lan instead of the modem.

Look at the file ifcfg.ppp0 and make sure it has a line DEFROUTE="yes"
This file should be in your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts dir.
Also, if you have an ethernet card, you chould check the file ifcfg.eth0 and make sure you have the line DEFROUTE="no"

If that doesn't work, type route to see a list of how your machine is trying to route the packets. Mine is :

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Ifa
as5301.knox.in. *      UH    0      0        0 ppp     *          U     0      0        0 eth       *            U     0      0        0 lo
default         as5301.knox.in.         UG    0      0        0 ppp

In the line with the flags UG, see where the gateway is - that will tell you ALOT!  Note that the end of the line says ppp - before I fixed mine, it said eth

Don't know if it will help, but I hope it does!

Kevin - psycho at myvine.com
Gross: Living in the basement of an outhouse!

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