[hsflinux] Gentoo 2.4.20

Kristleifur Dadason kd at nyjarviddir.is
Fri Mar 21 19:58:12 EST 2003

> I have a  HCF (controllerless) driver & Gentoo With linux -2.4.20
> After I do make install and hcfpciconfig It seems to go alright but if i do
> say ls /dev/ttySHCF0 I get no such file, that tells me the install didn't go
>  right even though I saw no errors. I checked demsg and I
> check /var/log/messages without any sign of errors relating to the install
> or  ppp* for that matter, I've been able to do this errorlessly on Redhat
> 8.0 but  Gentoo seems to be another Story. Oh and I am using the most
> lastest  hcfpcimodem-0.99mbsibeta02123100.tar.gz

this is the HSF list - a list for another type of controller than you have. if
i was fussy, i'd not answer. but i'm not. so i will.

anyway, the *HSF* driver doesn't work (yet) with linux kernels that have been
patched to be pre-emptible. pre-emptibleness means that the operating latency
of the kernel is lower, which is good. usually. however, the gentoo-sources
kernel has the pre-emptible patch applied and activated by default in the

what you might need to do is to recompile your kernel and disable the
pre-emptible option in "make menuconfig" or whatever other method you use to
configure your kernel prior to compilation.

i think it's in the "processor type and options" sub-menu of the kernel
configurator. at least in one of the top five items or so.

if you need further assistance with recompiling your gentoo kernel, I suggest
going to the gentoo forums, they're likely more knowledgeable about that
specific kind of thing than us here.

it strikes me as a bit odd, though, that you didn't get a specific message
about the driver being incompatible with the pre-emptible patch. i did.

anyway, good luck!


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