[hsflinux] Why only dial once?

Brock Palen palen12 at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 20:35:30 EDT 2003

I use red had 8.0 with 2.4.18-14  and a AMD XP 2000+ 
The modem is a Sterling comunications.  Works excelent
in windows 2000,  your driver works once,  and only
once,  I dont think it is your driver i think it is
somthing else.  I use kppp  (is there a way to make it
so any user can use kppp?)   and it will dial up
secsessfuly but if i disconet or it fails to connect
on the first try it makes very odd sounds  like a long
tone then dial and if you stop it form dialing by
hiting cancel my phone in my house rings!!!  and
sounds like i just called a fax.  If i reboot linux i
can use the modem again.  Whats the deal?  

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