[hsflinux] What about FREE Sortware and people colaboration!?!?

Manuel Alguacil manuel.alguacil.ext at juntadeandalucia.es
Tue Sep 9 10:23:47 EDT 2003

This is really outrageous. Now, that the drivers starts to work more or less fine, of course with the help of all the users that notified their problems, and colaborate to develop a better driver, linuxant want to make all of us to pay for download it. This a practice worse thatn all made by enterprises like Microsoft and others.

I claim all the users not to report any problem with their products to linuxant until the new policy of paying stops. It is very sad when you think you've find an enterprise that really thinks on their users, people that buy their products, and then use a issue like a driver to make you still spend more money TO MAKE IT WORK!!!


      Manuel Alguacil Payán
      Servicio de Informática
      Consejería de Cultura (Sevilla)
      C/ San José, 13
      Tlfn: 95.503.64.59
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