[hsflinux] unresolved symbols causes ERROR: hsf driver not active
(Red Hat 8)
John Wells
jb at sourceillustrated.com
Tue Oct 14 00:23:22 EDT 2003
Trying to get the hsf driver going on Red Hat 8, but no luck so far. I'm
getting unresolved symbols from the module.
I get the unresolved symbols on any of the modules I attempt to load.
Here's the entry from /proc/pci
00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Modem (rev 02) (prog-if 00
Subsystem: PCTel Inc Dell Inspiron 2100 internal modem
Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 11
I/O ports at d400 [size=256]
I/O ports at dc00 [size=128]
Here're the steps I follow:
[root at ocean hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free]# pwd
[root at ocean hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free]# uname -a
Linux ocean 2.4.20-20.8 #1 Mon Aug 18 14:59:07 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/nvm' cd
cvt && (find hsfpcibasic2 hsfpcibasic2smart hsfpcibasic2hsfi hsfmc97
hsfmc97ali hsfmc97ich hsfmc97via | cpio -pdmu
104 blocks
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/nvm'
make[1]: Entering directory
`/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/scripts' install -m 700 hsfconfig
hsfstop hsfdcpd /usr/sbin
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/scripts'
make[1]: Entering directory
`/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/modules' rm -rf
"/usr/lib/hsfmodem/config.mak" "/usr/lib/hsfmodem/modules/imported"
mkdir -m 755 -p /usr/lib/hsfmodem/modules
(cd .. && find config.mak modules/imported -depth -print | cpio -pdmu
2710 blocks
find . \( -name COPYING -o -name '*.sh' -o -name '*.[ch]' -o -name '*.mak'
-o -name '[Mm]akefile' \) -print | cpio -pdmu /usr/lib/hsfmodem/modules
1442 blocks
find binaries -depth -print | cpio -pdmu /usr/lib/hsfmodem/modules 0 blocks
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/modules'
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/diag'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `install'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free/diag'
install -m 444 LICENSE /usr/lib/hsfmodem
To complete the installation and configuration of your modem,
please run "hsfconfig" (or "/usr/sbin/hsfconfig")
[root at ocean hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free]# hsfconfig
Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version 6.03.00lnxt03091800free
If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
Warning: existing driver modules found under:
Would you like to keep using them? [no] yes
ERROR: hsf driver not active
###### Hmmm...let's see what's up with those modules
root at ocean hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt03091800free]# cd
[root at ocean misc]# pwd
[root at ocean misc]# ls
hsfengine.o hsfmc97ali.o hsfmc97ich.o hsfmc97via.o hsfosspec.o
hsfpcibasic2.o hsfserial.o hsfsoar.o
[root at ocean misc]# insmod hsfengine.o
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsDiagMgrClose
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsStrLen
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsAllocate
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_NVM_Open
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsMemCpy
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsToupper
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsImmediateTimeOut
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_NVM_Read
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsDiagMgrNotify
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsLockTry
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_DcpSetVolume
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsSleep
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsFloatSuffix
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsGetSystemTime
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsIsDigit
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_DcpCreate
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsCreatePeriodicTimer
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsFloatPrefix
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsMemDMAFree
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsDiagMgrOpen
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsStrCmp
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsLockTryUnlock
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsMemMove
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsSetPeriodicTimer
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsLockLock
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsMemDMAAllocate
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsStrCpy
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsDestroyPeriodicTimer
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsLockDestroy
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsSprintf
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsLockCreate
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_NVM_Close
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_DcpCallback
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_NVM_Write
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsDebugPrintf
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsDebugBreakpoint
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsAtomicCompareAndSwap
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsMemSet
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsGetCurrentThread
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsAtomicAdd
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_DcpDestroy
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsAtomicDecrement
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsAtomicIncrement
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsStrnCpy
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsLockUnlock
hsfengine.o: unresolved symbol cnxthsf_OsFree
Thanks for your help!
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