[hsflinux] What happened to me

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Thu Nov 13 16:36:10 EST 2003

Hi list,

Last time ... I'm more or less back to where I was in Feb. 2002.

I was "forced" (yes, by a colleague) to install Red Hat Advanced 
Enterprise Server ... on my el Cheapo Compaq notebook. So that I can 
support it :-( My specialties are the latest LDAP, Postfix/Exim and 
Courier versions as mailadmin, but that's not enough.

I'd happily been running ACPI patched 2.4.19 kernel.org stuff and beta 
HSF modem drivers on RH 7.2+++++, but that isn't mod - cool - enough any 
more, obviously. Guess what - everything but ACPI in RH AES. ACPI isn't 
supported by RH in the 2.4 kernels. The el Cheapo Compaq was once again 
hot enough to boil eggs on. And of course, my modem was gone.

Nothing else for it, download kernel.org 2.6.0-test9 code, configure, 
learn all about mkinitrd and why there's no source code any more in 
/usr/src, configure, compile and ACPI worked again. Not without a few 
hiccups, though. But my HSF beta *tar.gz wouldn't install, neither would 
the free *tar.gz. So, now I have a multi-faceted, hardware-chipset 
CM-56G Xircom 56K2 PCMCIA card again which is supported by the kernel.

I'd like to thank Marc again for helping me out when I threatened to 
commit suicide that day in Feb 2002 and for all his efforts both with 
Conexant and Netfilter, wish him and Jean-Simon all the best. I never 
had any trouble to speak of with the HSF beta drivers, when they worked 
- which they mostly did ;)



Tony Earnshaw

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