[hsflinux] kernel requirements

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Tue Jan 20 01:56:32 EST 2004

ons, 2002-07-24 kl. 21:32 skrev Sidik Isani:

>   If modprobe is segfaulting, try putting "gcc" and "cc" as symlinks
>   pointing to the version of gcc that was used to build *your kernel*.
>   (look in /proc/version.)  This must match.  Marc, it looks like you've
>   struggled with the kgcc/gcc issue before and just decided to build
>   with "gcc".  You might look at way NVidia has done, which is simply
>   issue a warning telling people to choose the right gcc if "gcc -v"
>   doesn't match /proc/version.  Adding that won't break anything you
>   already have.

O.k., but people have been pointing this out on this list since things
became obvious for most people around the middle of March this year.

The alternative is, that nothing works for anyone, rule of thumb.

Welcome to the club!




Tony Earnshaw

e-post:		tonni at billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl
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