[hsflinux] Setting the serial port using setserial: what's happening?

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Tue Jan 20 01:56:32 EST 2004

tir, 2002-08-27 kl. 17:00 skrev Gianmario Tamagnone:

> Where's the mistake? I'm logged in as root and the sintax
> should be right. Someone can help me? Thank You!

What's the answer if you do: 'lspci -vn|grep Class'?

> I'm sorry for the bad English, but i'm from Italy! 

My Latin teacher (a dreg) told me that that's exactly what Julius
C[æ|ae]sar said, after issuing the immortal words: "Venini, vidi, vici"
in 55 BC.




Tony Earnshaw

The usefulness of RTFM is vastly overrated.

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