[hsflinux] HSF modem and modprobe

Henrik Nilsson nhn at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Sun Sep 4 21:33:22 EDT 2005


I'm running HSF modem on a Fedora Core 4 system on a
Dell D600 Laptop.

Recently, when changing network configuration using the Fedora GUI
tool "system-config-network", I started noticing something strange:
whenever I saved a new configuration, it took an awful long time.
Moreover, it took longer, and longer. In fact, each new save
took about twice as long as the previous one!

When I looked into this, I quickly realized that "modprobe" was
awfully busy, and after a while I had found the reason: the file
"/etc/modprobe.conf" was very big. First time I looked it was about
48 MByte. After saving the network configuration once more, 96 Mbyte!
That's why things slowed down by a factor of two each time.

Looking in the file, I found at line 10:

    install snd-via82xx-modem /bin/true # temporarily disabled by hsf -
    conflicts with hsfmc97via # temporarily disabled by hsf - conflicts
    with hsfmc97via # temporarily disabled by hsf - conflicts ...

You get the idea. The line is about 96 Mbyte long!

Clearly there are possibly a number of components involved here,
"modprobe", "system-config-network", and "HSF" for starters.
I don't know what's wrong, not even where to file a bug report!
But a good start might be to figure out where the text "temporarily
disabled by ..." comes from. The text seems to suggest that it
somehow comes from HSF modem. Might that be the case?

Best regards,


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
The University of Nottingham
nhn at cs.nott.ac.uk

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