<br>Hi. I am a brasilian student. I do not speak English, just any words. But, lets go.<br><br>I have a computer with motherboard ASUS A78X-X and 6 HSF softmodem. Its runing Ubuntu LTS 8.10 or Debian 5.0 Lenny. I am using the CNXINSTALL.RUN (<a href="http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php">http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php</a>), the file DPKG (<a href="http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/archive/hsfmodem-">http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/archive/hsfmodem-</a>), the file TAR (<a href="http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/archive/hsfmodem-">http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/archive/hsfmodem-</a>) or the file specific to Ubuntu. Its same for all possibilities. Not work correctly. The modems conflict between them. I use wvdial command and they do not dial. How to solve the problem? I need this solution too.<br>
<br>PS: The HSF Driver Dell (<a href="http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/gutsy/modem-drivers/hsf/hsfmodem-">http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/gutsy/modem-drivers/hsf/hsfmodem-</a>) work correctly, but to 4 softmodem simultaneously, this driver do not install 6 HSF softmodem. <br clear="all">
<br>Thanks,<br><br>-- <br>Éubulo César Gomes<br>+55 62 9306.0500<br>