[riptide] re: Spinlock?

Clark Bang perturbed@subdimension.com
Tue, 09 Jul 2002 23:20:43 +0800


got the modem working fine but
am unable to install the sound with the following error below

from ripconfig log

rm -f *.o *.a
* Compiling int_mdl.c
* Compiling rp_cmdif.c
* Compiling linux.c
linux.c: In function `init_spinlock':
linux.c:123: structure has no member named `spinlock'
linux.c: In function `release_spinlock':
linux.c:133: structure has no member named `spinlock'
make: *** [linux.o] Error 1

did a smartass thing and
tried unsuccessfully to uncomment the asm/spinlock.h header in 
even tried changing it to linux/spinlock.h
help? anyone?