[driverloader] Re (2): Connectivity: wlan0 (SuSE 9)

Urs Mueller newsuser at bf-net.ch
Tue Mar 2 20:15:19 EST 2004

x86processor sagte:

> I did, 'ifdown wlan0' and then 'ifup wlan0' and I got
> reply 'warning:using no encryption'. I think I got an
> ip address (ipv6).

Do you plan to use IPv6?

> Its no more a driver issue. But, how do i use wlan0? I
> think it is now just a basic linux networking issue. I
> did 'ifdown eth0' before bringing up wlan0.

Use Yast2 for configuring the device.
All the need informations (ESSID, WEP-Key) can be
entered there.


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