Linuxant Linux drivers for Conexant chipsets - RIPTIDE driver FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)      
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RIPTIDE driver FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


  1. My RipTide card's modem doesn't work.
  2. Is the message about the kernel being tainted upon loading the modules normal?
  3. I have an ACPI-based machine and the driver is crashing or not loading.
  4. rpm -i gives me this error: "Failed dependencies: pciutils is needed by ..."
  5. ripconfig gives me this error: "lspci: command not found"
  6. Modules crash upon loading or refuse to load due to a wrong compiler version.
  7. Where does ripconfig look for the kernel sources?
  8. I'm having problems uninstalling the RPM package.
  9. What does "warning: ...rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5dfbf7dc" mean?
  10. Do you support other operating systems (eg. BeOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.)?


  1. My RipTide card's modem doesn't work.

    The RipTide modem part is supported by the HCF or HSF drivers (depending on the type of your board) available from:


  3. Is the message about the kernel being tainted upon loading the modules normal?

    Yes, and it can be safely ignored.


  5. I have an ACPI-based machine and the driver is crashing or not loading.

    It might be necessary to recompile a generic kernel from with the latest ACPI (and perhaps also KACPID kernel lost interrupt) patches from

    Alternatively you could try the 2.6 development kernel, which has better ACPI support. However we cannot guarantee that the drivers will work with development kernels since they are constantly evolving.


  7. rpm -i gives me this error: "Failed dependencies: pciutils is needed by ..."

    You need to install the pciutils package before installing the driver. This package contains "lspci" which is used by ripconfig to detect your card.

    pciutils should be installed from your Linux distribution CD. If your distribution supports RPM, then the install command should be similar to this: rpm -i /path/to/rpms/pciutils-....rpm


  9. ripconfig gives me this error: "lspci: command not found"

    ripconfig requires lspci to detect your card. lspci comes with pciutils. We recommend that you install pciutils, but you can also configure the device manually. ripconfig will always fail if you try to use the "-a" option without pciutils installed.

    pciutils should be installed from your Linux distribution CD. If your distribution supports RPM, then the install command should be similar to this: rpm -i /path/to/rpms/pciutils-....rpm


  11. Modules crash upon loading or refuse to load due to a wrong compiler version.

    It is very important that the driver modules be compiled with the same compiler version that was used to build your kernel.

    If the wrong version is used (i.e. gcc2 instead of gcc3 or vice-versa) the system may crash or refuse to load the modules.

    You can use the command "cat /proc/version" and "gcc -v" to check the version strings.


  13. Where does ripconfig look for the kernel sources?

    By default, ripconfig looks for the symbolic link /lib/modules/(kernelversion)/build
    If this link exists and points to a valid directory, then ripconfig will use this directory as the kernel sources' location.

    If the link does not exist, ripconfig will try to use /usr/src/linux or /usr/local/src/linux.

    Please note that if your kernel sources are in /usr/local/src/linux, but you also have a /usr/src/linux link pointing to an invalid or empty directory, then ripconfig will try to use /usr/src/linux and it will fail.

    It is VERY important that the kernel sources' version match the kernel version that you are currently running. If it isn't the case, then ripconfig will report and error.


  15. I'm having problems uninstalling the RPM package.

    Try the following command:

    rpm -e --noscripts --force --allmatches riptide

    If the driver prevents your system from starting normally, you could try booting in 'single user' or 'failsafe' mode first.


  17. What does "warning: ...rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5dfbf7dc" mean?

    Before installing a package, RPM tries to verify its integrity.

    The packages distributed by Linuxant are cryptographically signed with our public PGP key, which is not known to RPM by default. However, it can be found on many keyservers or downloaded from

    Once you have downloaded our public key, you can import it in your RPM database. You can do this with the following command:

    rpm --import /path/to/pubkey.asc

    After the key has been imported, the NOKEY warning messages should disappear.

    Afterward, a package's signature can be verified with the command:

    rpm --checksig /path/to/package.rpm


  19. Do you support other operating systems (eg. BeOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.)?

    At this time, we only distribute Linux drivers and there are currently no plans to support other operating systems.

    However, people interested in porting the drivers to other operating systems should contact us.



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